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The Nazi's didn't only capture and kill Jewish people it was anyone who was not like them. They where considered  undesirables. Weather it was your religion, race, or body type. The Nazi's thought that the undesirables where the cause of Nazi's loosing World War II. Because the Nazi's wanted a master race.

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Online Memorials


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When When the prisoners entered the camp their heads shaved. It was not with today's clippers it was with very painful also they got a number tattoo that was their identification number. When they did this, they didn't have clean needles and tools. It went from one prisoner to the next with out stopping 

The average "undesirable" was only weighing 80 pounds in the camps. They only got fed small rations of watery soup and stale bread.The food clean and contained a lot of pathogens. That cause a lot of sickness. When they where sick they still had to work and preform there tasks and if they didn't they usually got beat, or have other forms of punishment. 

In Memory of all Holocaust victims.

This is a memorial at Nebraska State University it is one of thousands. 

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